cam michael

Cam serves on staff as a teaching pastor. He grew up in Loveland, Colorado and studied at University of Northern Colorado and spent a few years serving athletes on campus through a ministry called Athletes in Action. He also is currently studying Biblical Theology and Leadership at Western Seminary.

He is married to Kayla who continues to serve with AIA and has two kids, Blakely (3) and Maverick (1).

What's your favorite thing about Columbia?

My favorite thing about Columbia is the diversity in people. In one trip to the grocery store you can run into a farmer, a frat bro, and a refugee. I love it. I also love the buzz of the college life downtown.

Where else are you involved in the community (work, volunteering, etc)?

I still do some stuff with athletes on campus with AIA as well as spend some time connecting with the houseless population at Turning Point, a day center downtown.

What are your favorite books, movies, or TV shows?

I love me a good fiction suspenseful drama like the Guest List, but also love anything Dallas Willard or Brennan Manning as far as books go.

What is it about Trinity that you love most?

I love our heart for prayer/renewal and how we want to be a community of grace that is driven by God’s Power, Presence, and Love for us.